Liability Form

Given the inherent risks associated with dog training, every client is required to sign and submit this legal liability waiver. Please sign, print, and bring this form to your first class or lesson. All adults that will participate in class must sign the form. We must have this on file in order to include you (and/or your family) and your dog in class.

Liability Form

Contact Form

We need a valid email address and phone number for at least the primary trainer in your home. We will contact that person with class materials, dates, and in the case a class or lesson must be cancelled or changed. Djify LLC will not ever sell your information or provide your contact information to anyone without your express permission. Please bring this form to your first class or lesson.

Contact Form

Vet Records

Djify LLC requires compliance with local vaccination requirements. In order to protect the health and safety of class participants (both human and canine), you must submit a copy of your pet’s current vaccinations. These are due at the start of your first class or lesson.